Plumbing Fixtures: What to Replace and When to Do It

Plumbing Fixtures: What to Replace and When to Do It

Have a long to-do list or have trouble keeping up with household maintenance practice such as switching out plumbing fixtures? There are many running fixtures and sections that require replacements, such as in kitchens and bathrooms. However, letting it go unnoticed is a set up for disaster. Luckily, here is a guide on what type of repairs to look for and a recommendation on when it may be time for new installations. Keep in mind that proper maintenance is recommended annually to reduce the chance of a leak.

Kitchen Drain Pipe System

Over time, you may find that the pipe underneath your kitchen sink leaks. While it is very common, this problem is caused by built-up residue and can clog up and eventually rot the pipe system. You should therefore completely replace the kitchen pipe if tightening the pipe does not work or there is obvious decay in the material (water stains around or underneath countertops are also a sign of needed repair). Installations are made easy with the help of our certified professional plumbers who use special plumbing codes, cut and measure precisely for pipes such as tailpieces to fit properly and tightly secure screw pieces for joints and slip nuts. Every part of a kitchen sink plumbing system is connected so when in doubt, swap it out!

Bathroom Fixture Repairs

Bathroom fixture repairs to look for include leaky showerheads and toilets as well as clogged drains. Other fixtures such as corrosion with the bathroom metal drain ring may be as easy as needing basic fastening but should be replaced as soon as possible before a leak begins. Having a bathroom issue does not always necessarily mean completely replacing the entire fixture, but replacing the inside parts such as levers and valves that help fixtures properly function. As a rule of thumb, leaks and corrosion in your bathroom contain replaceable parts that should be replaced whenever issues become apparent. Just like kitchen sinks, bathroom sinks also require proper tightening of nuts and bolts to prevent leakage. It is possible to overtighten or not tighten it enough as leaking can still occur. It is therefore important that you hire a professional for all types of installations and bathroom fixture repairs. Solutions for bathroom repair fixtures can vary, but should only be replaced as a whole if there are no signs of sealing (which you can do yourself or have one of our professionals do it for you).

If your plumbing needs to be repaired, contact ASAP Plumbing today at 228-865-2727 or visit and request a free estimate! We can handle all your plumbing needs including installation, repair, and full water heater replacement.

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